General Practitioner Trainees

The Kingsway Surgery has been heavily involved with GP Training for many years and is proud of its educational record. Several of the partners at the surgery are involved with GP Training in Swansea and across Wales. The surgery has 4 posts for GP Trainees (and nearing completion of their training). These doctors are normally with the practice for 12 months, and are usually involved in preparing for examinations to complete their training and for Membership of The Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP). As part of this process they are required to submit a selection of telephone or video consultations. On arrival for your appointment you may occasionally be asked by the receptionist if you mind your consultation with the doctor being video-recorded. It is most helpful for the trainees if they are able to video their consultation with you, both for the purposes of their development and for their examinations. However, you are under no obligation to agree to being videoed and can decline when asked. If you agree to being videoed you will be given a consent form to read and sign to indicate your agreement. You are free to change your mind at any stage including during or after the consultation. Please note that physical examinations are not recorded in front of the camera. All recorded consultations are treated in the strictest confidence and are only used for training and examination purposes before being destroyed. We regret that copies of recorded consultations cannot be provided.

Medical Students

The surgery is also associated with the Swansea Medical School, University of Wales College of Medicine and Cardiff University and we regularly have medical students on placement at the surgery for part of their training. You may see the medical students sitting in on surgeries with other doctors or with the practice nurses, health visitors and midwives. You may also see a medical student as part of a supervised consultation (under the supervision of one of the partners). It is essential for medical students to have contact with patients throughout their training in order for them to develop the necessary skills to become a good doctor and we are grateful for your assistance with this. The surgery also occasionally has students in Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting on attachment in order to gain clinical experience.